This video from Piled Higher and Deeper (PHD Comics) makes it pretty clear.
(h/t Eric)
I was once a Nice Guy™. I got past it. Here’s a sketch from Comedy Central’s Inside Amy Schumer that might help explain a few things to people still struggling with Nice Guy™ism.
If the message you get from this sketch is that women are ungrateful and will insensitively use you for the tasks they don’t want to do, or if you still think that the “friend zone” is an actual thing, then I’m sorry, but you are still in the clutches of Nice GuyNice Guy™ism. There is still hope, but it might be a long and difficult road to self-awareness.
– Maybe not such a good role model: Valeria Lukyanova, the Ukrainian model who has transformed herself into a life-sized Barbie doll, has made some pretty out-there statements about how she hopes to one day be able to live as a “breatharian,” meaning that she subsists solely on air and sunlight. Good luck with that.
Anyway, it turns out that, without makeup, she still looks a lot like a Barbie doll.
Also, she seems to be pretty racist, which might not be that surprising for someone who wants to be the exemplar of white blondeness. She also said she hates kids.
– The headline says it all: Rich People Call Cops On Statue Of Homeless Jesus.
– They messed with the wrong squirrel: Seriously, man, squirrels will mess your sh!t up. Especially in Indiana: Continue reading
A few weeks ago, a short film called “First Kiss” went viral. It was sweet and all, but let’s face it, it was also unbearably cheesy. Not only that, it’s actually an ad disguised as a short film, using actors instead of random strangers.
I haven’t seen Frozen, but I am intrigued by the Frozen/Watchmen-comic mashup (h/t Marc) that notes the similarities between the character of Elsa in Frozen and Dr. Manhattan.
Some people have wondered aloud whether Elsa’s “Let It Go” scene was a direct homage to Dr. Manhattan’s trip to Mars. Others are quite convinced that it is not. I’ll reserve judgment, possibly forever because meh.
While this analysis, not to mention the various memes poking fun at John Travovo’s now-classic mispronouncement, are fun and all, it also offers a chance to remind the world that Idina Menzel turned in a freaking awesome performance of that song:
I don’t know which is more questionably ingenious…
“Olympic Figure Farting” by Ghost+Cow Films:
(h/t to Joe Veix at Death and Taxes for both videos.)
I’ve posted this video before, but I thought I’d offer it again for anyone experiencing any anxiety or angst about Valentine’s Day.
My favorite part comes right after the bridge:
Our lives have to die
Of that there’s no help
My favourite way to end them
Is the orb-weaver spider’s whose pedipalp
Enters the female pudendum.Then dies on the spot
His corpse there still stuck,
Left for his rivals to curse at.
He would rather die than not get to f^ck
Personally I reckon it’s worth it.
That’s, uh, bleak.
Now that we have the angst out of the way, I recommend following The Oatmeal’s advice:
In that spirit, here’s a good sexy rumpus song. Sort of.
In case you’re wondering, the dwarf mime is not Peter Dinklage.
“Imagine trying to move by vomiting out of a giant straw, and flapping your skirt around very, very fast.” The cuttlefish is a mysterious and majestic creature, with eyes “in the shape of Charlie Brown’s mouth when he misses a football.”
Another excellent video from zefrank1:
“Playing hide-and-seek with a cuttlefish sucks. They don’t move, they just change color.”
Here are a few more cuttlefish being colorful: Continue reading