Monday Morning Cute: Cats and Dogs Doing Cat and Dog Stuff

First, we have a few cat GIFs I found on Tumblr (h/t Sarah Jeong).

Here is the now-famously-curious Pallas’ cat:

They’re definitely not pets, but they’re certainly photogenic and meme-able: Continue reading


This Week in WTF, May 1, 2015

I’m noticing a trend here: I don’t do any posts in this series for a while, but I keep accumulating stories to include. When I finally get around to doing it, I have so much stuff that I can split it up into multiple posts. I should probably have more of an editorial schedule, if for no other reason than so I’m not lying to you when I say “this week” in the title of the post.

Anyway, here’s Sophie Turner (a/k/a Sansa Stark of Game of Thrones) kicking Steve-O in the nutsack. Happy Friday.

(h/t serenity1313 on Imgur)

– Someone’s got some explainin’ to do: The artist resopnsible for the nightmate inducing bronze statue of Lucille Ball in her hometown of Celoron, New York has apologized for his role in creating something that, I am ashamed to say, made me think of the Family Guy bit with Edna Garrett’s cleavage: Continue reading


No Forehead Tattoos, Please

I really don’t care that Jared Leto’s Joker looks more like a Juggalo than an insane criminal mastermind. I am trying very hard to resist the temptation to make negative comparisons to Heath Ledger’s interpretation of the character. I don’t even care that Leto looks more like a fan of the Joker—who got way too carried away at the tattoo shop—than like the actual Joker.

© DC Comics / Warner Bros., via Twitter / @DavidAyerMovies

© DC Comics / Warner Bros., via Twitter / @DavidAyerMovies

Any time I think a modern-day portrayal of the Joker is in any way ridiculous or unworthy of the character, I just remember that Cesar Romero’s Joker was once the only live-action screen portrayal of the Joker in existence. Continue reading


The NTIs Are Here

The bloodbelly comb jelly appears to offer evidence that aliens have already arrived on Earth and found the oceans preferable to land.


Bathophobia (UPDATED)


An abnormal and persistent fear of depths. Sufferers from bathophobia experience anxiety even though they realize they are safe from falling into or being consumed by depths. The feared object may be a long, dark hallway, a well or a deep pool or lake.

(Via Imgur / Reddit)

See also: Continue reading


This Week in WTF, April 3, 2015

– I’d hate to see what would happen if he got hold of her Eggo: A woman in Akron, Ohio was arrested for allegedly stabbing her boyfriend repeatedly, allegedly because he ate all of her salsa (h/t Paul).

Look, I get how important salsa can be, and I don’t want to get too high and mighty about my condiments……but see, I’m from San Antonio, and we take our salsa very seriously. I mean, like, extremely seriously. I would take the Pepsi challenge with Ohio salsa any day, and you know what’s great about Texas? There is always more salsa.

– If you’re just going to let your mouth hang open like that…: The pitcher plant, at least from a conceptual standpoint, might be the most terrifying organism to have ever existed. Yes, I’m including spiders and sharks in my analysis. Pitcher plants are at least as terrifying as winged devourers, except that they have the added factor of being real. They just sit there, waiting for something to land on them, or crawl up on them, just to slip and fall into the pitcher, where they are digested, pretty much in the open air.

Pitcher plants…grow[] long tube-shaped leaves into which insects fall. Some of the largest have pitchers up to a foot deep and can consume a whole frog or even a rat unlucky enough to fall into them. Sophisticated chemistry helps make the pitcher a death trap. Nepenthes rafflesiana, a pitcher plant that grows in jungles on Borneo, produces nectar that both lures insects and forms a slick surface on which they can’t get a grip. Insects that land on the rim of the pitcher hydroplane on the liquid and tumble in. The digestive fluid in which they fall has very different properties. Rather than being slippery, it’s gooey. If a fly tries to lift its leg up into the air to escape, the fluid holds on tenaciously, like a rubber band.

Pitcher plants are like tiny, real-life Sarlaccs, except that everyone can hear you scream.

Also, no tentacles……yet……

One species that lives on the island of Borneo, however, seems to have found another means of sustenance: as a bat toilet: Continue reading


Monday Morning Cute: Dogs Doing Stuff

Leftovers go to the dish pit:

Pugs love to play with balls. ALL OF THE BALLS!!! Continue reading


The Ickiness Subsides

I’ve been battling a frustratingly-mild cold of some sort all week. By that I mean it has been just bad enough to incapacitate most of the creative part of my brain, but not enough to render me incapable of daily life functions. I only just now realized that nearly every blog post from this week has been formulaic stuff that I actually scheduled to post weeks ago.

I realize that if I apologize too much for infrequent blog updates, I risk becoming the Least Interesting Man in the World, but it’s a chance I’ll just have to take.

The last time this happened, I was able to buy your forgiveness, dear reader(s), with an Olivia Munn GIF. I see no point in trying anything different now. Continue reading


This Week in WTF, February 13, 2015

I have gotten very far behind on this particular blog series, so here is a quick roundup of what I meant to post over the past few months (part 3 of 3).

– Austerity goes too far: I know kids’ birthday parties can be hella expensive, and it’s awfully rude to say your kid will be there and then just not show up. That said, I’m pretty sure it still violates some clause of the social contract to invoice the kid for the cost of his share of the party. Seriously, they didn’t send a bill to the parents—they gave it directly to a five-year-old.

– Suck it, Goonies: I once found a pipe that was part of an old gas line buried in my backyard. I never found buried pirate treasure or anything. These kids in California found a buried Ferrari.

© Michael Haering, via Sliptalk / Jalopnik

© Michael Haering, via Sliptalk / Jalopnik

This happened in 1978, but it’s still both newsworthy and WTF today. Continue reading
