The Immortal Bob Ross

I meant to write a post about Bob Ross—he of the “happy little trees”—back in July, but…well, stuff happened. Once July ended, it kind of went on the back burner. Last week, however, College Humor published an article by Amir Khan entitled “15 Times Bob Ross Was EXTREMELY Bob Ross,” which offers a touching tribute to the man:

Bob, you taught us how to find those little happy trees within ourselves, and for that, we are eternally grateful.

The post is definitely worth a look.

By pumpkin46654, via College Humor

By pumpkin46654, via College Humor

Bob Ross, as you may know, hosted a public television show called “The Joy of Painting.” You might not think that this would be a path to a sort of superstardom, but here we are, talking about the man. I don’t think you could find anyone on Earth who, once they knew who Bob Ross is, wouldn’t love him, at least a little bit.

The Internet has been a gold mine of Bob Ross, from memes and animated GIFs to Autotuned music videos: Continue reading


Don’t Feed Your Tortoise Pancakes, Please

I saw this little guy on Facebook a while back:

Yes, it’s a tiny tortoise eating tiny pancakes (originally from BuzzFeed Blue). Tiny versions of things that are normally much bigger are almost by definition cute, but there may be a darker side to this GIF, alas. Continue reading


Monday Morning Cute: It’s Not Like Sloths Will Clean Themselves….

…..right? I mean, they’re called sloths, aren’t they?

I don’t know if this little sloth is happy about this bath, but he certainly is cute.

Bonus cute: Ferrets can be jerks sometimes: Continue reading


Monday Morning Cute: The Protective Little Elephant

This little guy is either really friendly, but shy; or he feels very protective of the adults in his family, but is hesitant to reveal to them how much he has been training (you know, since they want him to focus on his schoolwork.)

Or, he’s a megalomaniacal future king of the elephants. Who among us can ever truly understand their ways?

(h/t Jean de Brunhoff) Continue reading


Monday Morning Cute: Give a Fox a Hand

A baby fox who got a bit too curious with some human litter (and let’s be clear, this is totally humans’ fault) approached some Russian hikers (or soldiers, considering the attire) to ask for help.

It’s also possible that the fox was just stumbling around blindly and happened to come across some helpful beings with opposable thumbs, but I prefer to think of this as a parable that portends an era of peace between the human and vulpine worlds.

Continue reading


This Week in WTF, July 24, 2015

– The grossest thing you’ll see all day (maybe all week): You might just want to trust me on this.

– I’m sure it happens all the time: When prison inmate Ramon Somoza mailed a pro se filing to a judge in Utah, he included a razor blade along with the paperwork. This led to an investigation, but he will not face any charges. The prosecutor reportedly determined that it was an accident:

“He files a number of documents with the court, and he does not have access to white-out,” the prosecutor explained. Using the razor blade, Somoza “cuts out small strips of paper that he uses as white-out if he makes a mistake.”

That’s a really good idea—except for the mailing-it-to-the-judge part—given that correction tape is sure to be in short supply in prison. (h/t Scott Greenfield)

– Where is the deed recorded?: You might not think of real estate litigation as a place for the fanciful and bizarre, but oh how wrong you’d be: Continue reading


Monday Morning Cute: Come Play with Us…….

Perhaps this dog is right to be wary of these kittens….

Come play with us……furever and ever…….

See also:

Sources: x, x, x


How Russia Could Conquer the World

Just send in a bunch of singers like her:

The video title, “Офигенный голос,” simply means “awesome voice” in Russian. Continue reading
