This Week in WTF, April 25, 2014

By Andy Jones from Gaithersburg, USA [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons– You’re doing it wrong: A high school student in Pennsylvania got suspended after making what probably seemed like a bold move during a school assembly featuring the reigning Miss America, Nina Davuluri. During a Q&A session about whatever it is Miss Americas talk to kids about, the 18 year-old stood, asked her to be his prom date, and walked up to the stage with a flower. Reports indicate that Miss Davuluri was flattered, and the whole school cheered, but the higher-ups were less amused. He got a three-day suspension, and while Miss Davuluri politely declined the invitation, she asked the school to reconsider his punishment.

– An Indiana Jones adventure worthy of LeBeouf: The Video Game Crash of 1983 was something that actually happened and has a cool, ominous-sounding name. The industry didn’t recover in North America for several years, when the Nintendo Entertainment System came along. One of the major culprits in the crash was Atari’s movie tie-in game for 1982’s E.T., which was one of the first video games to throw almost everything into its title and marketing and almost nothing into actual gameplay. The game sucked so much that Atari allegedly buried all the unsold cartridges in the desert. Continue reading
