I Couldn’t GIF the Colbchella Dance Party. Luckily, Someone Else Figured It Out.

You’ve probably seen the StePhest Colbchella ‘013 “Time to Dance” video by now. Unless you’ve been living under a rock or were really busy like me today. If you missed it, here it is (at least for as long as Comedy Central makes it available for embedding):

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Because I am always several years behind the times when it comes to the internet, upon seeing the video, I figured I ought to make GIFs of the video, like I recently did for a Dos Equis commercial I found amusing. Alas, Comedy Central has done a good job blocking downloads of their streaming videos. I know some tricks, but not enough tricks.

Vulture, however, obviously knows more than me, or they have access to an actual video file. They have some GIFs up on their site. I hope they don’t mind if I post a few highlights here.




Totally worth it for the Matt Damon Booth.
