What I’m Reading, May 20, 2014

By Darkness Blackheart from Mystery Babylon, Infinita (IMG_0354) [CC-BY-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

I couldn’t find a good stock photo signifying “resentment,” so here’s Victoria Beckham, who sings a song with that title.

Why Resentment is Key to Conservative Politics, BooMan, Booman Tribune, May 7, 2014

Once again, we can see how these folks divide the world into a bifurcated land of enterprising strivers and idle moochers. Conservatives have an easy time understanding the world as a “fallen” place where sin is ever-present and perfection always eludes even the best of bureaucratic planners, but they seem to have great difficulty in understanding that the world is also a place with broken people who through genetics, environment, or misfortune are in need of societal assistance. As long as there is some accountability, they are pretty good at forgiveness, but compassion and empathy are tremendous challenges for them.

But, quite aside from all that, we can see that resentment is the key ingredient in their political toolbox.

GOP lawmaker doubles down on anal sex obsession, Robyn Pennacchia, Death and Taxes, May 6, 2014 Continue reading
