New Year’s Boogaloo, I Mean, Resolution (UPDATED)

20140101-130546.jpgMy wife and I decided to spend New Year’s Eve watching crappy distinctive movies. She suggested we watch the classic 1984 film Breakin’, but we couldn’t find it on any streaming service (plus, I distrust any and all torrenting services ever since I thought I was downloading a Simpsons episode but actually got…..nope, still don’t wanna talk about it.) I was able to find Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo on Netflix Instant, but was too tired, and still recovering from a cold—I suggested we watch it on New Year’s Day instead.

Here’s the catch, of course: my assumption was that just because a movie is available for streaming today it’ll still be available tomorrow, and sometimes there’s no reason to assume that. It was removed from Netflix Instant today.

We were still able to watch it by signing up for a free Amazon Prime trial, but I think the lesson is clear here: Never hesitate should an opportunity present itself. It’s not much of a New Year’s resolution, but resolutions are stupid anyway.

UPDATE (01/01/2014): After about an hour of techno-wrangling, we were able to watch the original Breakin’ via YouTube streamed to the TV.

Photo credit: Via
