Before “Game of Thrones,” There Was “Nightflyers”

Science fiction based in the future is fascinating for what it tells us about the present, or at least the period when the particular work was produced. The scifi movies of the 1980’s are especially interesting now, in the sense that they might have anticipated technology that has not yet happened, like distant human space travel, but failed to anticipate technology that did happen, like flat-screen computer monitors. Their most egregious predictive failure, of course, was in the realm of fashion. Many 1980’s scifi movies now look like period pieces about time travelers from the 1980’s going to the future.

I vaguely recall a movie from my early teenage years called “Nightflyers.” Mostly, I remember noticing that it starred Catherine Mary Stuart, a/k/a Maggie from “The Last Starfighter” and Regina from “Night of the Comet.” It was released in 1987, and it looks like what you might imagine would happen if a spaceship captain grabbed a group of people out of an era-appropriate diet cola commercial and sent them out of the solar system. Story-wise, it’s a but like “2001: A Space Odyssey” meets “The Breakfast Club,” if HAL had a mullet.

About the only reason it grabbed my attention recently is that I learned it was based on a novella of the same name by George R.R. Martin. That makes it at least worth a look. Luckily, the whole movie is on YouTube, albeit broken down into multiple parts. I made it all the way to part 5, so see if you can beat my record. Enjoy! Continue reading


In honor of Hodor


Show some love for the big guy!

With the return of “Game of Thrones” and its resident lovable giant, Hodor, Warming Glow ranks the top ten Hodors in film and television. Personally, I wish they could have included at least one Lennie (Lon Chaney, Jr. or John Malkovich would do), but it’s a good list. I particularly approve putting Fezzik at the top. Besides, Fezzik would find his way up there regardless, and no one would be able to stop him.


She was good in the Harry Potter movies, too

I sincerely hope that Hodor gets a bigger role in this season. It will be interesting, albeit creepy, to see what, if anything, they do with the relationship between Hodor and Osha. I’m referring, of course, to the scene in season 1 when Hodor is swimming and Osha marvels at his, uh, hodor.

In honor of what will hopefully be a Hodor-centric season on “Game of Thrones,” please join me in saying hodor. Hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor.



Photo credit: All photos posted on Something Awful by Hodor, I mean, uh, Rarity. Hodor.
