I Hope This Helps, Mr. Koch

Charles Koch has a sad.

He wants us to know that he only wants what is best for us, even if we can’t always see it or understand it at first. (He’s even asking his employees to help him get the word out about what a great guy he really is!)

But we just keep on giving him a hard time, and it’s making him glum. Since I hate to see anyone in a bad mood, especially plutocratic oligarchs, consider this: people often root for the villain as much as, if not more than, the hero. Consider the Bond films. People remember who played Bond, of course, and they may have strong opinions about who did it best (although any answer besides Sean Connery is wrong). They also remember the best villains, and the actors who played them.

Copyright Getty Images, reused for comic effect

The Bond films wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t have Gert Fröbe’s Goldfinger, Donald Pleasance’s and Charles Gray’s Blofeld (sorry, Telly Savalas and all those other people, but Pleasance and Grey were better), Christopher Lee’s Scaramanga, or Christopher Walken’s Zorin, just to name a few.

Blofeld pets the kitty

And, while such a position is obviously beneath you, let’s not forget the henchmen, particularly Robert Shaw’s Grant, Harold Sakata’s Oddjob, Bruce Glover and Putter Smith’s Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd, Hervé Villechaize’s Nick Nack, Grace Jones’ May Day, and Famke Janssen’s Xenia Onatopp. A special place of honor is reserved, of course, for Richard Kiel’s Jaws.

Jaws gives us a smile

I hope that makes you feel better, Mr. Koch. I mean, you already seem to see us as caricatures of oligarchic underlings, so you might as well complete your own transformation into a caricature of evil.
