Pitties Get Some Online Love

I came across an article on a site called Dognotebook.com entitled “15 dangerous dog breeds most likely to turn on their owners,” with no attributed author. You can probably guess who tops the list.

The post is a long litany of bullshit, but that’s not why I mention it. About 19/20 of the comments range from “This is bullshit” to “Here are researched and peer-reviewed facts about dogs that debunk everything you have said in this article.” It’s a good thing to see.


Exploring the Mythical Friend Zone

This comic by mamamantis sums up the entire “friend zone” and NiceGuy™ phenomena beautifully (h/t Jason):

The Friendzoner vs The Nice Guy by mamamantis.tumblr.com

This is but a sample. Click the image to see all.

I also have an infrequently-updated Tumblr blog exploring the concept of the NiceGuy™.

See also, girlfriendzoning.
