So You Think You Can Selfie…

The selfie is one of those ubiquitous phenomena of the social media age that pretty much confirms whatever people already believe. It has given rise to countless thinkpieces about the narcissism of today’s youth, the rise of self-confidence in today’s youth, the assumption that posting a picture of oneself online implies consent to wider publication (or to receive unsolicited genitalia pics), and everything in between.

Aside from the fact that I think “duck face” needs to die a quick death, painless or not, I don’t care about selfies as a cultural phenomenon. I care that some people think the existence of selfies—or even just pictures posted online, period—is somehow an invitation to harassment, but that only happens after a picture appears online. If other people posting pictures of themselves causes you some form of grief, the problem might not be is not with the person posting the pictures.

Besides, if no one ever took selfies, there would not be as many pictures of extremely awesome Lara Croft cosplayers at Anime Boston (just to name one example).

None of this matters anymore, I posit, because of this woman, who posed for several selfies with a bald eagle: Continue reading
