Making it a Little Harder for Crazy People to Do Crazy Things

[I started writing this in July 2012, but never posted it. Events that have transpired since then make it necessary to leave a field blank, because my comment may apply to multiple events.]

The tragedy in _________________ was not the result of secularism, the lack of Ten Commandments in public school classrooms, same-sex marriage, or the wrath of any angry deity.

The truth is, we do not know exactly what happened, and we may never know why. The shooter [might not even know why/is dead]. All we know is that a dangerous individual, sporting military-grade weaponry, killed a lot of people and wounded many more.

For all we know, he was determined to hurt and kill people no matter what. Of course we will never be able to stop all armed assholes, but is it so unreasonable to make it more difficult to obtain weaponry that would allow them to fire dozens of rounds per minute?
