Chocolate salty Jesus

Please please please PLEASE someone tell me this guy does not speak for the majority of Christians out there (I’m referring to Bill Donohue, of course). I almost feel sorry for Donohue in the clip of him on Anderson Cooper–he can’t seem to get the artist, Cosmo Cavallaro, to sink to his level. “You’re talking like a 5-year old.”

The artist has a right to create art as he sees fit, and Donohue has a right to make an ass of himself. I have a right to wonder why on earth someone would want to make a Jesus out of chocolate and why someone would think it is somehow blasphemous. I mean, leaving aside issues of free speech and such, what is the big deal here? Is it the chocolate? What’s wrong with chocolate? Is it that he’s nude and anatomically correct? I can’t quite figure it out (I also haven’t been to church lately, so maybe they’ve changed some things.) I know that we’re supposed to be ashamed of our genitalia, so it could stand to reason that we should pretend Jesus didn’t have any. I don’t recall a Biblical proscription on chocolate–had it even been invented when Leviticus was written? Anyway, Donohue is a dick.


Live action anime!!!

I know it’s not nice to pick on kids, but I think there’s an exception if they are also Paris runway models (and yes, I realize this is my second post today about fashion models–it’s not becoming a trend.) Anyway, I found this here, via Apparently these are really her eyes:

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Check out the original site. It’s disquieting. Just thought I’d share.



Here’s an urban hazard few saw coming:

TAIPEI – Residents of Tainan learned a lesson in whale biology after the decomposing remains of a 60-ton sperm whale exploded on a busy street, showering nearby cars and shops with blood and organs and stopping traffic for hours.

The 56-foot-long whale had been on a truck headed for a necropsy by researchers, when gases from internal decay caused its entrails to explode in the southern city of Tainan.




Polar bear fun

Follow the adventures of Knut, the German-born polar bear cub being raised in a nontraditional setting (not just the zoo part of the raising).

Awkwardly translated into English (thanks Babelfish!) here.

Übersetzt nicht an allen, hier.


Polar bear fun

Follow the adventures of Knut, the German-born polar bear cub being raised in a nontraditional setting (not just the zoo part of the raising).

Awkwardly translated into English (thanks Babelfish!) here.

Übersetzt nicht an allen, hier.


I was wrong to meddle with the forces of darkness, and I realize that now…

This is too good to be made up:

Deceased Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic, who died in captivity in Haag last year standing on trial for War Crimes in a UN War Crimes tribunal, still seem to haunt the Serbian nation.

Recently his grave in the eastern Serbian town of Pozarevac was desecrated in a bizarre incident, when Serbian vampire hunters in accordance with old folklore and tradition wanted to make sure the late president remained dead, and drove a three-foot wooden stake into the grave and through his heart.

Those crazy Serbs!


More mulch madness

Here are some clips of the mulch fire in Helotes, Texas (just NW of San Antonio):

It’s scary because this is pretty much right on top of the drinking water supply for most of central Texas.


Enormous mulch fire!!!

Enormous mulch fire sparks rancor, confusion in small Texas town –

Check this out. It’s surreal.

The pile of mulch, which has been sitting in an open field for more than a decade, is about 400 feet long, 225 feet wide and 70 feet tall in the middle. It is now a vast, smoking landscape, with flames shooting up periodically from the blackened expanse, in what looks like a scene from the latest Star Wars movie.

So a small town outlying my hometown now looks like the planet where Darth Vader got his legs cut off. That’s some damn fine journalism.
