Stan Lee Wept

'lfa_1_covera' [Fair use], via ACC StudiosSo, apparently this really exists:

ACC Studios has published the most politically divisive comic book ever written, Liberality For All #1 (in a series of eight issues) releases nationwide November 2, 2005 . It is an all-new take on the Orwellian future, this time with a captive society oppressed by doves, not hawks. It is the first comic book directly marketed to the “vast right-wing” audience.

While this action-packed, patriotic knee-in-the-groin to the embodiment of the ultra-left is a blatant satire of liberalism, it still asks significant questions about the end result of liberal political policies.

‘It is 2021, tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of 9/11. America is under oppression by ultra-liberal extremists who have surrendered governing authority to the United Nations. Hate speech legislation called the “Coulter Laws” have forced vocal conservatives underground. A group of bio-mechanically enhanced conservatives led by Sean Hannity, G. Gordon Liddy, Oliver North, and a young man born on September 11, 2001, set out to thwart Ambassador Usama bin Laden’s plans to nuke New York City.’

When first announced in late July, Liberality For All immediately touched off a controversy that is still raging. The resulting enthusiasm from conservatives, and simultaneous denunciation as neo-con indoctrination propaganda by those on the Left, continues to feed a firestorm on this provocative, full-color, eight-issue, comic book mini-series.

This press release is from November 1, 2005, but I had never heard of this epic controversy until just now. I had also forgotten just how stupid things got around the middle of the last decade. Lest anyone think we have presently entered an unprecedented era of self-styled conservatives completely losing their shit, I present Liberality for All. Things have been stupid for quite a while. (Incidentally, the ACC Studios webpage appears to have received its most recent update in June 2006. Perhaps its editors rage-quit after the Democratic victory in the 2006 mid-term elections.)

The “alternate cover” is pictured here. The fantasy-fulfillment element is quite remarkable. This appears to depict a one-eyed Sean Hannity, for some reason holding an Apple laptop and dressed sort of like an X-Man. The real kicker though, is G. Gordon Liddy, who would be 90 to 91 years old in 2021, riding a hog. The other cover also depicts a by-then 78 year-old Oliver North, but at least it shows him with a cane. Maybe he didn’t receive any “bio-mechanical enhancements.” It is impossible to look at this and not make a joke about how these three probably can’t look at these comic book covers without getting erections.

The premise of the story, aside from the serious implausibility of developing “bio-mechanical enhancements” in a world that presumably never had Obamacare, has a few flaws. Clearly, in 2005, the authors could not have conceived that a Democratic president might have come along and actually authorized the killing of Osama bin Laden, thus depriving conservatives of their #1 bogeyman. Also, it seems safe to presume that OBL would be happy with the political turn of events in this version of 2021 America (remember, OBL endorsed John Kerry, we were told.) Why would he then want to nuke New York City, unless he is simply a comic book villain lacking any two- to three-dimensional character traits?

I would investigate some of these questions further, but I am certain that a few Google searches on these topics would just lead me to erotic fan fiction featuring Dagny Taggart. No one really wants that.

Seriously, why can’t conservatives just be happy with Batman? Isn’t using inherited wealth to pummel bad guys sort of the ultimate Republican dream?

Photo credit: ‘lfa_1_covera’ [Fair use], via ACC Studios.


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