Monday Morning Cute: Wombat Employment

The Sleep Burrows Wombat Sanctuary, located in New South Wales, Australia, offers ten possible employment opportunities for wombats. You should definitely check out all ten, but I’m still stuck on having them do your laundry.


Monday Morning Cute: In honor of Wombat Day

wombat-day-sticker-3Today is the eighth annual Wombat Day, an international celebration of all things wombat. If you know little to nothing about wombats, then you and I have a lot in common.

Here’s the pièce de résistance of the wombat phenomenon (in my opinion, anyway), via

I Love My Wombat, he is my best friend – Wombats should not be taken in as pets as they are an endangered species and illegal to own one. The wombat you see here was orphaned and grew up with humans and could not be returned to the wild. If you would like to learn more about wombats visit this website here
A video by Ajakwerth

Trust me, you want to wait around for the belly-scratching scene.
