Monday Morning Cute: Your Pal, the Frog

This little frog has huge adorable eyes, and is a beautiful shade of blue.

And he will poison the sh!t out of anyone who messes with you.

Because he’s got your back. Just don’t let him actually get on your back. Seriously.

(Via Reddit user Jerry520.)

NOTE: It is possible that this is actually a ruby-eyed tree frog, Leptopelis uluguruensis, Photoshopped to look blue (h/t LLLReptile). It might also be a red-eyed tree frog, Agalychnis callidryas. It is probably not a blue poison frog, Dendrobates azureus (h/t Solmen). It’s still adorable, but I’d advise against giving it a hug unless you speak directly to a herpetologist first.
