Hunting the Poachers

A picture appears to be in the process of going viral:


Via UNILAD / Facebook

I saw it on the Facebook page of the British website (magazine?) UNILAD (h/t Jason), with the following caption:

There are poachers in Africa currently hunting Rhino. This woman hunts the poachers.

The “hunts the poachers” line sort of caught my attention. (Yes, yes, other aspects of the photo caught my attention, too. I’ll get to that.)

The awesome blog TYWKIWDBI wrote about this woman, Kinessa Johnson, yesterday, and clarified that the organization where she works, VETPAW, employs ex-military servicemembers to secure locations where poachers are known to operate. The goal is to dissuade poachers from trying anything in that area, not to seek them out and engage them (which is what “hunt” sort of implies). That doesn’t make it any less bad-ass by any measure. Continue reading
