D*** Pic Revenge

How does one deal with unsolicited and unwanted pictures of guys’ d***s sent via text message? I hope to never have to deal with this problem, but I figure it is worth passing on this bit of awesomeness. Via David Futrelle, we learn of Svelinya and her encounter with a d***-pic sender and (unfortunately for him), Breaking Bad fan. Here’s a sample:


The “just on the left” bit is his reference to where he imagines her relative to his, uh, you get the idea. She seizes on the fact that he’s watching Breaking Bad (while taking pictures of his junk, apparently) and turns the conversation to her advantage…

Seriously, the whole exchange is awesome, and you will not have to see any actual d***s. Let it be a reminder/warning to anyone who wants to be creepy on the internet: There is a price for everything. Sometimes that price is spoilers.
