I like the idea, but where do I park?

02.DCPedicab.400F.NW.WDC.12May2011Several Austin City Council members want to let businesses lease parking spaces along Congress Avenue to use for sidewalk cafe space.

Austin City Council Members Chris Riley and Sheryl Cole, looking to invigorate the Congress Avenue street scene à la New York and San Francisco, say some businesses should be allowed to set up shop in city parking spaces.

Under a proposal from the pair, businesses along busy streets such as Congress Avenue would be able to lease spots from the city and use them for sidewalk cafes or retail activity. The proposal would essentially expand the city’s practice of allowing businesses to lease sidewalk space for cafes. Riley said the goal is to create more vibrant, interesting places for pedestrians and bicyclists.

I see a future in which downtown Austin is a bicycle and pedestrian utopia, and anyone wishing to frolic through its glory will have to park on the far side of Lady Bird Lake. If that day comes, you had better believe I am investing in my own pedicab.

Photo credit: 02.DCPedicab.400F.NW.WDC.12May2011 by ElvertBarnes, on Flickr.
