Now That the Anti-Abortion Bills Passed in Texas, the Pro-Life Crowd is Terrified of Facing the Consequences

Erick Erickson makes a living trying to rile up progressives and liberals for the entertainment of the more terrible elements of the right wing. It is difficult to know how much he believes the things he says, and how much he is playing to his audience. Put another way, is he really such a horrible person, or does he just play one on TV? The only thing I know for sure that he is very good at the job I just described. In the early hours of Saturday, July 13, 2013, he tweeted the following:


The above image is from an article on Daily Kos. As of this writing, at 12:45 p.m. on Sunday, July 14, the tweet no longer appears in Erickson’s Twitter timeline, which leads me to suspect that he could not handle the heat he received. This should not be a surprise.

He did leave up some other gems, however: Continue reading
