My Video of the Stand With Texas Women Rally, July 1, 2013

Here’s my video of the Stand With Texas Women Rally at the Texas Capitol this past Monday, July 1, 2013. It was a less-than-seasonably-hot day for Texas, meaning it stayed under 100° F the whole time. The iPhone apparently doesn’t handle heat all that well, so it kept shutting off on me. Here’s the video I was able to get. The initial graphic is by Lindsay Braun.


Intel Building demolition – WHEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

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The Intel Building at 5th & San Antonio, long the blight of the Austin downtown skline, finally went away Sunday morning, sort of. The demolition wasn’t quite as complete as we onlookers had expected, although it apparently went exactly as planned, and it drew some disquieting comparisons to 9/11 from some in attendance. Of course, everyone there had their cameras at the ready. Here’s my footage, complete with excessive commentary:

Of course, it wouldn’t be a public event in Austin without 9/11 conspiracy nuts. Somebody (I didn’t get a picture) was waving a sign with something about Googling WTC7 on it. Sigh.

Cross-posted at The Albatross.
