Via mashable.com
I’m actually a fan of David Lynch’s Dune, despite its many flaws. (A lot of people seem to like that Sting was in it, for whatever reason.)
The 2000 television miniseries made up for some of the deficiencies of Lynch’s version, but added in new deficiencies of its own.
The Children of Dune miniseries was much better (I especially liked the Godfather-esque montage at the end of the first episode, with a song in the actual made-up Fremen language.)
Simply knowing that another version of Dune—directed by Alejandro “Free SXSW Hugs” Jodorowsky, designed by H.R. Giger, and featuring Orson Welles as Baron Harkonnen and Salvador-fucking-Dali as Emperor Shaddam IV—could have existed but never came to fruition makes me ponder the value of everything that has happened in human history from that point in the 1970’s onward.
At least there is a documentary about how the movie did not get made.
The movie business is finicky. Remember how
Saw had six sequels?
At least Giger went on to give us Alien.
Photo credit: Via mashable.com.