On Taking Offense

Here are a couple of nicely-synergistic pieces from Cracked about taking offense at things seen online and in society:


The Truth About the Sarlacc

This BuzzFeed listicle on movie monsters that look like sex organs is a bit too obvious for my taste (Of course the creature from Alien looks like a penis! That was the point!!!), it gets points for identifying the Sarlacc from Return of the Jedi as a “spiny desert anus.”

George Lucas may have spruced up the Giant Pit of Carkoon sequence in the re-releases, but the sarlacc will always be a spiny desert anus in the hearts of old-school fans.

Bravo, I say.


The Greatest Year in Film History

2014 is almost at an end, and I still haven’t gotten around to writing anything about the 30th anniversary of the greatest year of movies in the history of the medium. (That I was around 10 years old in 1984, and that it was therefore perhaps one of the first years for which I might have clear and relatively unfiltered memories, is surely coincidental.) It’s not like I can’t finally get around to posing about certain 1984 movies in 2015, when they’ll be 31 years old, but I do feel like I should at least say something about the excellent, historic, iconic, or just plain memorable films of 1984, as I see them. Continue reading
