How to Market a Toilet-Related Product

I am simultaneously impressed and repulsed by the ad campaign for the “Squatty Potty,” a device that helps you, ahem, move more naturally (h/t Lynn).

How does one advertise a product aimed at bowel evacuation? It is difficult to go wrong with unicorns, but you don’t want to stray too far from your central message. The people behind the Squatty Potty decided to hearken back to the centuries-old urban legend about soft-serve ice cream actually being the poop of enchanted unicorns. (You might just want to stop reading here.) Continue reading


This Week in WTF, July 24, 2015

– The grossest thing you’ll see all day (maybe all week): You might just want to trust me on this.

– I’m sure it happens all the time: When prison inmate Ramon Somoza mailed a pro se filing to a judge in Utah, he included a razor blade along with the paperwork. This led to an investigation, but he will not face any charges. The prosecutor reportedly determined that it was an accident:

“He files a number of documents with the court, and he does not have access to white-out,” the prosecutor explained. Using the razor blade, Somoza “cuts out small strips of paper that he uses as white-out if he makes a mistake.”

That’s a really good idea—except for the mailing-it-to-the-judge part—given that correction tape is sure to be in short supply in prison. (h/t Scott Greenfield)

– Where is the deed recorded?: You might not think of real estate litigation as a place for the fanciful and bizarre, but oh how wrong you’d be: Continue reading


Porn and Prejudice: That’s Not a Member of Congress

An article entitled “Ranking the 20 Hottest US Congress Women” seems problematic enough, but this was the thumbnail image for the sponsored link at Raw Story:

Screen Shot 2015-01-30 at 8.30.35 AM

It’s kind of hard to tell how tongue-in-cheek the article intends to be. Here is their entry for Nancy Pelosi, who ranks fourth on the list: Continue reading
