Happy Friday the 13th

Every year, around this time (i.e. approaching Halloween), I have to confront the contradictory facts that I do not like slasher films on a very fundamental level, yet I cannot seem to turn away from them when I come across them on TV. (Whether or not I deliberately seek them out on some subconscious level will have to be a question for my biographers.) Since SyFy is apparently running a Friday the 13th marathon today, I suppose the die is cast. In honor (or shame) of this film franchise, here are some (mostly-non-gory) GIFs culled from Google. Spoiler/NSFW alert, I guess.

The original slasher, Pamela Voorhees:

Via patron-saint-of-the-denial.tumblr.com

Via patron-saint-of-the-denial.tumblr.com

Via cheatingjudases.tumblr.com

Via cheatingjudases.tumblr.com

An early appearance of George McFly:

Via x-entertainment.com

Via x-entertainment.com

The man himself: Continue reading
