What I’m Reading, June 24, 2014

derekdavalos [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)], via deviantART“Chemtrails” Don’t Exist and Idiots Are Really Easy to Fool, Dennis Mersereau, The Vane, May 22, 2014

Have you ever run into someone so stupid that you just had to play a prank on them? Welcome to the life of meteorologists who have to deal with “chemtrailers,” or the people who falsely believe that airplanes are spraying chemicals because DA GUBMINT wants to kill you.


Well, as with all conspiracy theorists, chemtrailers won’t take science for an answer. The true explanation behind contrails ā€” the warm, moist jet exhaust meeting the extremely cold air of the upper-atmosphere and condensing into a thin cirrus cloud ā€” is just the World Government’s smoke-and-mirrors to deceive the population from The Truth.

Government Treating Peaceful Left Activists Like Terrorists–Again, Paul Waldman, The American Prospect, May 23, 2014 Continue reading
