The internet has brought a near-inifinte set of methods to raise money for charities. There are so many worthwhile charities in the world, it can be hard to decide where to contribute. Fortunately, the internet is here to propose clever solutions. As but one example, are you looking for a way to support breast cancer research? Do you not want to donate to Komen because of all that stuff they did? Do you like breasts in a possibly socially-inappropriate way? Via imgur, we have the following:

For the month of October, PornHub is donating 1 cent for every 30 views from its big tit and small tit categories to breast cancer research.
Sure enough, if you go to PornHub’s Save the Boobs page (do I need to actually tell you these links are not-work-safe? Didn’t think so) you will find the above message. The total number of videos viewed (I’m not sure if that’s all videos or just the ones that directly contribute to the campaign) has already gone into octuple-digits (I’ve actually seen the number go up by more than 1,000 in the few minutes it has taken me to write this post). I’m kind of amazed more charities don’t do this.
The rub, of course (double entendre alert!) is this: where will they be donating the money that the viewers, ahem, raise? They don’t say. The page just says they will donate to “a breast cancer research charity.” As of the moment I’m writing this, the tally on the site says 11,766,918 (actually, it just went up again, but let’s stick with this number.) If they donate $0.01 for every thirty videos viewed, that would be a total of $3,922.31 so far. Not exactly overwhelming, but not nothing. Keep in mind, of course, that I am writing this at noon on Friday, October 5. If we assume the daily rate holds steady, that’s about 2,614,871 views per day. Over the month of October, that’s 81,061,001 views, for a total donation of $27,020.33. Considering this would all be accomplished without actually doing anything, that ain’t bad. Continue reading