My Moment of Internet Fame, Dapper Octopus Edition (UPDATED x2)

I’m just going to take a moment to toot my own horn and salute a pseudonymous Photoshop wizard. This is the story of how a funny picture I found, along with the caption I gave it, spent a few moments near the top of Reddit. (The story consists almost entirely of pictures, so chill.)

The picture apparently first popped up on Pinterest, and then made its way to Reddit, where someone, possibly a user named Zelvetical, gave the little guy a top hat:


I found it on a site called Dark Roasted Blend, and proceeded to share it on Facebook, then on Tumblr, where I added this caption:

All of human history has led us to the moment that we developed the technology to digitally add a top hat to a photo of an adorable miniature octopus.

As of the morning of Saturday, December 29, 2012, the Tumblr post has over 46,000 notes, which is a record for anything I’ve ever posted. Then I got this: Continue reading


Merry Winter-Holiday-of-Your-Choice

Grumpy Cat (perhaps the greatest meme in the brief history of memes) offers some holiday sentiments.


(h/t ABL)


Monday Morning Cute: Bonobo Sanctuary

This is perhaps better classified as “touching” or “heartwarming” rather than “cute,” but close enough. Lola ya Bonobo, “the world’s only sanctuary for orphaned bonobos” is located near Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo.


This picture is described as “mwanda and lomela at Lola ya Bonobo sanctuary.” The caption on the sanctuary’s Wikipedia page says: “A new orphan called Lomela at Lola ya Bonobo is comforted by another bonobo.”

Photo credit: “Lr new best bonobo pics20” by Vanessawoods (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


Monday Morning Cute: I sense much fear in you…….

His kittychlorian count must be off the scales!

(h/t Coco Puffin, in whom the Force is strong.)


This Monkey Has a Mohawk

With his epic mohawk, this monkey has single-handedly refuted every example of the “Your argument is invalid” meme. Eat it, internet.


Cottontop Tamarin in the Tierpark Bad Pyrmont in Bad Pyrmont, Lower Saxony, Germany

Photo credit: “Saguinus oedipus (Linnaeus, 1758)” by Michael Gäbler [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons.


Monday Morning Cute: Pack Your Cat Carefully

This is a good example of efficient cat packaging. Note how a seemingly endless series of cats is able to exit the container.

This cat, however, was not packed properly, and now the recipient is having difficulty unwrapping him.

Here’s a kitten doing cute stuff in a way that is totally unrelated to the previous pictures.


Monday Morning Cute: Donkeyshop Quartet (the pun needs some work…)

I’m open to other caption suggestions.

Bonus: Boston Terrier with a supernaturally long tongue.


Monday Morning Cute: Resourceful Animals

This cat is training to do some parkour, but for now he just wants to come inside for a while.

This dog has no need for a Snuggie.

This dog, however, could use a grabber or something.
