Asking Miss America, a supermodel, or a porn star to your prom is pretty much played out by now. Especially now that a girl asked Vice President Joe Biden:
Forget all the idiots inviting hot young celebrities to prom: Talia Maselli of Newington, Connecticut blew them out of the park by inviting the ultimate hunk, Vice President Joe Biden, to her night of a thousand shining stars.
Well played, young lady. Well played, indeed. With that amount of gumption, it doesn’t even really matter if he could go or not.
Unfortunately, the Vice President declined because of his schedule (and because it’d be sort of creepy if he had accepted). But! He sent Maselli a corsage (white roses and baby’s breath tied with red, white and blue ribbon) and a handwritten note inviting her to visit him at his place of business.
Skill level: Knope.