Monday Morning Cute: Dance!!!

To the window! To the wall!” says the sea turtle.

To the window! To the wall!

I don’t know what the hell this is, but I respect its need to dance:


Creepy Reading: Girl with the Skeleton Hand

I found “Girl with the Skeleton Hand,” by Ananth Panagariya and Yuko Ota, via Imgur. Here’s a sample:


The stories are actually quite touching, and not so much creepy, but they balance quite deftly between the two themes.

You can find more of their work at Johnny Wander.


“If you strip away the myth from the frog”: Exploring Muppet Christ Superstar



This is the weekend that I tend to get songs from Jesus Christ Superstar stuck in my head, so the idea of doing the show with Muppets struck me as both deranged and inspired:

Here’s a question we never thought to ask: how would Andrew Lloyd Webber’s rock opera about the life of Jesus play with the Muppets? Now we know, thanks to the Muppet Christ Superstar album, with Kermit as Jesus, Gonzo as Judas, Miss Piggy as Mary Magdalene, and a chorus of clucking proto-Christian chickens.

Mind you, this is extremely unofficial.

Christo Graham recorded the unauthorized Muppet Christ Superstar, with the singers doing their best imitations of the Muppets. As weird as the concept is, it’s actually pretty fantastic in places, especially with the Electric Mayhem as Jesus’ followers—and Beaker meeping his way through “Simon Zealotes.” In other places, though, the voices are a bit off, particularly in the more emotional moments. Give it a listen.

Muppet Christ Superstar by Christo Graham

Photo credit: Via


The Greatest Star Wars GIF You Will Ever See

This masterpiece comes to us via MrTidbits. It appeared almost a year ago via khaos324, on Geeks of Doom, and I’m sure elsewhere. It originated, it would appear, as a video from 1A4STUDIO, may their name resonate through all eternity.

Also, no littering.

A New Hope


What I’m Reading, April 18, 2014

"MEGAMAN X STAGE 1" by fanboy-supermegaman [CC BY 3.0 (], via deviantARTThe angry fanboys, Ophelia Benson, Butterflies & Wheels, April 14, 2014

Feminism isn’t going away. Also? The last thing that would make it go away is condescending assholes calling it feminazi bullshit and threatening to rape all the feminists. All that does is show how desperately it’s needed.

Ron Paul Wants Tax-Exempt Status, But Doesn’t Want To Obey The Rules, karoli, Crooks and Liars, April 16, 2014

I just love the way conservatives want to have their cake and eat it too. Ron Paul’s organization, Campaign for Liberty, is being fined by the IRS because they insist on filing incomplete reports, but if you listen to him whine on Fox News, you’d think he was being persecuted, and horribly so. Continue reading


Porn and Prejudice: A History of Tentacles

Two things I have learned recently:

1. There are examples of tentacle erotica from 19th-century America (and earlier):

By Staff of "The Mascot", New Orleans [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Click to embiggen

“Lewd and Abandoned”. Caricature of notorious New Orleans prostitute Emma Johnson, from “The Mascot”, 21 May 1892. Johnson is depicted in a window with a fan, with tentacles reaching out to the sidewalk entrapping passers by, including men, an old man, an adolsecent boy, and a young woman.

2. If you do a Google search for public domain pictures of octopi, you might stumble upon a Wikipedia talk page for tentacle erotica, which, fortunately for my taste, only has pictures from 19th-century America.

Photo credit: By Staff of “The Mascot”, New Orleans [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


An Intriguing New Graphic Novel

I saw this posted to Imgur the other day, and it looks promising:

Via Imgur

Via Imgur

It’s from Harlen Martyr, a graphic novel by Eric Myers and Rob Cannon. Per its Facebook page:

He can feel no pain or exhaustion and will never suffer a wound, age or die. He is perfect, and he has sacrificed only one thing in exchange. His dreams.

I don’t know much else about it, but I’m intrigued by the concept and the artwork. The first volume is for sale at Lulu, and there’s some information here. There is a Tumblr blog for the series, but it doesn’t seem to have anything on it. I just thought I’d share my intrigue.


This Week in WTF, April 18, 2014


Via, a blog that actually exists.

– Maybe not such a good role model: Valeria Lukyanova, the Ukrainian model who has transformed herself into a life-sized Barbie doll, has made some pretty out-there statements about how she hopes to one day be able to live as a “breatharian,” meaning that she subsists solely on air and sunlight. Good luck with that.

Anyway, it turns out that, without makeup, she still looks a lot like a Barbie doll.

Also, she seems to be pretty racist, which might not be that surprising for someone who wants to be the exemplar of white blondeness. She also said she hates kids.

– The headline says it all: Rich People Call Cops On Statue Of Homeless Jesus.

– They messed with the wrong squirrel: Seriously, man, squirrels will mess your sh!t up. Especially in Indiana: Continue reading


What I’m Reading, April 17, 2014

By Stickpen (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsAre Medicare Prescriptions Fueling Purple Drank? An Iodine Data Story, Iodine, March 13, 2014

According to our research, there is not only a significant drug diversion problem going on with Medicare prescriptions (a problem that has been well accounted in a recent Pro Publica report published in the Pacific Standard), but it is likely that drugs prescribed to American seniors under Medicare are actually ending up in party cocktails – particularly promethazine, a drug that is prescribed to reduce nausea and motion sickness. Promethazine is often combined with codeine in a prescription cough syrup.

Promethazine with codeine is a key ingredient in the illicit brew known as Lean, Sizzurp, or Purple Drank. Mixed with Sprite soda and Jolly Rancher candies and served in styrofoam cups, the concoction is a popular party drink and a frequent reference in hip hop lyrics. The drink is especially popular in the South, having originated in the Houston area and spread to Atlanta and other southern areas. It often leads to abuse, as in Lil’ Wayne’s case.

(The fact that Justin Bieber has also recently been connected to Purple Drank suggests that the drink’s popularity may indeed have maxed out).

Catholicism, George W. Bush, and the cluelessness of the religious right, Damon Linker, The Week, April 11, 2014

Once upon a time, the religious right’s leading intellectuals told themselves an inspiring story. It went something like this: From the time of the Puritans all the way down to the early 1970s, American public life was decisively shaped by the moral and spiritual witness of the Protestant Mainline’s leading churches: The Congregationalists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, and Episcopalians.

But then the Great Collapse began, as these venerable churches sold their souls to the counterculture, abandoned the moral and religious tenets of historical Christianity, embraced a series of increasingly left-wing and anti-American causes, and saw their numbers (and then their cultural influence) plummet. Today these churches are an intellectual and demographic shell of their former selves.

This was a potentially disastrous development, depriving America of the theologically grounded public philosophy that it needs in order to thrive. But as luck — or providence — would have it, the decline of the Mainline churches set in at the precise moment when two other monumental cultural and religious developments unfolded: The rise of a politicized form of Protestant evangelicalism and a revival of intellectual and spiritual energy in the Catholic Church under Pope John Paul II. The time was ripe for evangelicals and Catholics to come together to form a successor to the Mainline churches.

Photo credit: By Stickpen (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
