Animal “Welfare,” Animal “Rights,” and Animal “Liberation”

"Butter Cow" by anneh632 [CC BY-SA 2.0], on Flickr

I was not familiar with butter cows until just now. Impressive work. (Via Flickr.)

Iowans for Animal Liberation made the news for allegedly dumping red paint on the official butter cow of the Iowa State Fair. (To be clear, this is a sculpture of a cow made entirely of butter, not a cow used to produce butter.)

The main reason I find this noteworthy is that the Associated Press described the group as an “animal welfare group,” not, say, the sort of group that uses the word “liberation” in its name and thinks dumping paint on a butter sculpture is an effect form of activism.

The individuals involved also wrote “Freedom for All” on the glass display case, according to the Des Moines Register. The Register described them as an “animal rights group,” which seems more apt than “animal welfare.”

Maybe I’m quibbling, but animal welfare is a cause near and dear to my heart, and dumping paint on a giant dairy sculpture doesn’t seem to advance that cause even the tiniest bit. Just my $0.02.

Photo credit: “Butter Cow” by anneh632 [CC BY-SA 2.0], on Flickr (NOTE: The butter cow pictured above is from the Illinois State Fair, for the record.)


This Week in WTF, August 16, 2013

By Larali21 (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Via Wikimedia Commons

– A group of Catholics have taken to gathering around a tree in Fresno, California because, according to them, the tree weeps God’s tears. An arborist who examined the tree reached a different conclusion, however, attributing the liquid seeping from the tree to something much more earthly:

The aphides [tree lice] will suck the sap, the sap goes through the aphid and then it is a honey dew excrement from the aphid and it gets so heavy in the summertime that it will drip down.

These tree lice are excreting God’s tears, or something.

– Imagine a cup, or a straw, that could detect the presence of date-rape drugs. A company in Boston, DrinkSavvy, Inc., is apparently working on it. Says the project’s founder:

DrinkSavvy’s ultimate goal is to use the success of this campaign to convince bars, clubs and colleges to make DrinkSavvy the new safety standard and eventually make drug-facilitated sexual assault a crime of the past.

I am both impressed at the idea and the technology, and depressed at the necessity of the idea. ThinkProgress bills it as a way “to combat sexual assault without victim blaming,” but it still seems to put the burden on the victim, e.g. “You got roofied? Why weren’t you using a DrinkSavvy straw?”

– An Austin man was arrested for allegedly firing a gun through his own front window—from the outside—because he thought he heard his wife having sex with someone inside. He claimed he heard his wife “groaning” and heard a man’s voice say that he had a gun, so he started shooting. His wife wasn’t actually at home. The bullet ended up in a neighbor’s bedroom, where two people had been sleeping peacefully. This is sort of what I mean when I talk about my right not to get shot by some other dude with Second Amendment rights.


A Special Prosecutor Will Be Looking at Rick Perry and the Public Integrity Unit



A senior district judge from San Antonio announced that he will name a special prosecutor to investigate allegations of “abuse of official capacity” and other charges against Texas Governor Rick Perry.

Texans for Public Justice filed a complaint against Perry with the Travis County District Attorney and the Travis County Attorney in June. Perry had threatened to withhold funding for the Public Integrity Unit (PIU), which investigates allegations of official misconduct, unless Travis County DA Rosemary Lehmberg resigned in the wake of her DWI conviction. (Perry may have had other reasons to want the PIU shut down.) Perry eventually vetoed funding for the PIU.

That veto took away about $3.7 million from the PIU. The Travis County Commissioners’ Court voted in early August to use $1.8 million of Travis County (not Texas) taxpayers’ money, plus over $700,000 “from another fund,” to keep the PIU going. This gave Lehmberg the opportunity to “scold” Perry. Continue reading


Five Things Parents Might Want to Be More Extremely Afraid Of Than Exif Data

msthurnell from

Creepiest picture I could find on short notice (Via

Crime committed against children is never a laughing matter. It is something we should take all reasonable measures to prevent, investigate, and punish. That said, the paranoia stoked in parents by the media, particularly local news on slow news days, is occasionally hilarious. To me, anyway.

(Now is usually a good time to reiterate that I don’t have kids.)

A warning has been making the social media rounds over the past few days about the risk posed when a parent posts a smartphone picture of their child to the internet. Yes, pictures taken on your smartphone may have Exchangeable image file format (Exif) data that indicates the GPS position where the picture was taken, and yes, it is hypothetically possible that a person could access that data in order to locate your child. A good deconstruction of this paranoia appears on the website Daddy Doctrines (h/t Jennifer):

Here’s the fact you need to always keep in mind when these things come around: the chances of your child being abducted by a family member or someone close to the family is exponentially higher than the chances that some shadowy internet stalker somewhere is going to track down your child.

And if they did? If Shadowy Stalker did see a photo of my kid, and use his techno-powers to pull out the Exif data and determine my home address? How is that more of a threat than all the decades where one need only look in the phone book?

*** Continue reading


About That Whole Adoption Thing

Adoption is often promoted as an alternative to abortion by people who seem to think that pregnancy and childbirth are no big deal. Okay, maybe that was a loaded statement, but it certainly seems as though the people who promote adoption in this way don’t understand (or don’t care) that people seek abortions for reasons other than not wanting or being able to raise a child. Medical issues making pregnancy risky or difficult come to mind.

Now, Texas State Senator Eddie Lucio, who had the distinction of being the only Democrat in the Senate to vote for HB2, is pushing a new type of abortion restriction. Prior to obtaining an abortion, a person must complete a three-hour adoption course. I think the Feminist Justice League said it best in their open letter to Sen. Lucio:

Requiring this class will place undue burden on people who are geographically marginalized and lack internet access. More importantly, however, it gives the impression you think women are stupid. I certainly hope I’m correct in assuming that’s a false impression.

Whether Sen. Lucio actually thinks people are stupid or not, his proposal is part of a long line of assumptions that people don’t know how pregnancy works or what is inside their uteri. This is the attitude underlying all those mandatory ultrasound laws.

This seemed like a good opportunity to look at how many children are awaiting adoption in the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services’ (DFPS) care. This is the state agency that operates Child Protective Services, or CPS. I spent a couple of years representing parents, and occasionally kids, in CPS cases, so while I’m far from an expert on the subject, I have some understanding of how complicated a subject “adoption” can be. Continue reading


There Might Be Beaver Exudate in Your Yogurt

By Steve from washington, dc, usa (American Beaver) [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Via Wikimedia Commons

You’ve probably never heard of castoreum, which Wikipedia defines as:

the exudate from the castor sacs of the mature North American Beaver (Castor canadensis) and the European Beaver (Castor fiber). Within the zoological realm, castoreum is the yellowish secretion of the castor sac in combination with the beaver’s urine, used during scent marking of territory. Both male and female beavers possess a pair of castor sacs and a pair of anal glands located in two cavities under the skin between the pelvis and the base of the tail.

Why do I mention this? Well, according to the natural-products company Conscious Box, castoreum is commonly used as a food flavoring. Continue reading


Perhaps the Most Useful GIF Ever

I’m a huge Metalocalypse fan anyway, and this may be the show’s greatest scene. Besides that, this could be useful in many Internet discussions.




I’ve been pondering (since I brought up the subject) whether “douchebag” is too sexist to be effective in any way. I really have no idea, and at least some opinion is split on the matter. A couple of good discussions are here and here, including an exploration of why the  concept of douching itself is more sexist than the term “douchebag.”


Monday Morning Cute: Up in the Trees

Via Mother Nature Network, a few cute tree-dwellers:

A koala (too obvious, perhaps?):


A kinkajou (cuter than the name might sound):


This silky anteater curled around a branch (obviously cute): Continue reading


Everything floats down here

I’m posting this for one reason, and one reason only. To be mean.

This is embedded from imgur, so it may not be here forever. May your dreams be ruined for as long as it lasts.

There’s also this: Continue reading


This Week in WTF, August 9, 2013

M26_Taser– A Republican state representative from Texas and her husband are facing a lawsuit filed by an employee of the car dealership they own:

[Plaintiff Bradley] Jones filed a civil suit against state Rep. Patricia Harless and her husband Sam Harless, who are the owners of Fred Fincher Motors where Jones was employed for over three years. In the suit, Jones charges that Sam Harless provided other employees with a Taser — and then filmed them sneaking up behind Jones and zapping him with the device at various times over nine months. The videos were posted online but were subsequently taken down.

I don’t think I need to annotate that in any way.

– A sheriff’s deputy in Utah is facing assault charges because of this:

The deputy apparently “lost it” when he caught his wife having sex with his father in one of their children’s bedrooms last month.

I really don’t need to annotate this one, either. This is shaping up to be the easiest blog post I’ve ever written.

– Ancient Peruvians had their own Grumpy Cat.

– Equifax, one of the three major credit reporting agencies, allegedly failed, or refused, to fix incorrect information on an Oregon woman’s credit report. So she sued them. And won an $18.6 million judgment. To be clear, the information was really incorrect. Like, wrong++.

Photo credit: By United States military [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
