Show some love for the big guy!
With the return of “Game of Thrones” and its resident lovable giant, Hodor, Warming Glow ranks the top ten Hodors in film and television. Personally, I wish they could have included at least one Lennie (Lon Chaney, Jr. or John Malkovich would do), but it’s a good list. I particularly approve putting Fezzik at the top. Besides, Fezzik would find his way up there regardless, and no one would be able to stop him.
I sincerely hope that Hodor gets a bigger role in this season. It will be interesting, albeit creepy, to see what, if anything, they do with the relationship between Hodor and Osha. I’m referring, of course, to the scene in season 1 when Hodor is swimming and Osha marvels at his, uh, hodor.
In honor of what will hopefully be a Hodor-centric season on “Game of Thrones,” please join me in saying hodor. Hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor.
Photo credit: All photos posted on Something Awful by Hodor, I mean, uh, Rarity. Hodor.